
Now that 'Jack is Back'....

Allright...so! I'm writing again...and it is no coincidence that its summer again.
Now this blog was never supposed to be a seasonal blog...neither has free time ever been a luxury for me... Why then...the wait??
Hmmm...writing can never be a first choice...I'm not good at it...doesn't come naturally [Damn it takes hours to complete a post and i'm so impatient]....And..wot the hell...nobody fucking reads!!

I have been on the verge of a new post on more than a couple of occasions..but a nice movie was always a more appealing prospect. I have frequented blogosphere as a reader though...only to be amazed by the creativity and very often the absurdity prevalent around here.
What most impresses me are these relentless Google guys...Boy...these people are so on the move and the internet was so stagnant without them. Infact on of the reasons why this post exists is because i really wanted to try out some of there innovations---Apart ofcourse from my aforeposted annual disemployment [aka summer training] which i hope to write at length about.
For pretty long now i've fancied Google as my ideal employers. But a two 'bit' Mechanical engineer...a self proclaimed good learner and creativity freak..who know just the a,b, C of computer science.....vying for Google...Gooo-ooo-gle.....Ahh...preposterous!!

Okay whatever!!
the year between this summer and the last one has been largely monotonous..and sparingly exciting. Third year is perhaps the most dull in an engineer's college life...nothing new happens...academics heats up ...possibilities of burnouts become reality...we realize that we are not supposed to learn anything new....and we really wanna break lose.....We almost drag ourselvers into the 4th year...We [atleast 'we' at IT-BHU] treat it as one last year of bondage and the third year exams are perhaps the most torturous events of our academic lives.

Some of us get involved into extra-curriculars in the name of spicing up our CVs and luckily get some breathing space...others try to find solace in their daily outings to coachings [ohh yes...coachings again] juggling between an entertaining maths and an insulting english.
That ugly question props up so very often..."Watcha gonna do kiddo??" . After 2 years of rejuvenation the exercise of "Building up a career" must be pursued again.
A flood of 3 and 4 lettered words come for you...JOB,GRE,CAT,GATE,XAT,GDs,PIs,JAVA, ETC....SHIT....while the originals get lost in the muddle.

Personally the most memorable event this past year has to be the winter tour to Goa,Bombay,Bangalore and Pune...
Crossed the border of Uttar Pradesh after some 5 years..had a gala time with friends...Discovered that i love the beaches better than the mountains....that even though i love these fun holidays, i'm not much of an explorer[so that's one career choice out of the list] and that i'm a lot more stingy than i had ever imagined.
All in all it was a wonderful self sponsored official trip perhaps another IT-BHU exclusive.

The other big [huge] experience was Technex-our Technical festival. I love to proclaim that i played a big role and was a third in the order of responsibility...though officially i was the event manager...For me it was a creatively satisfying experience though not as much managerially.But I'm glad we broke a few barriers..crossed a few thresholds and boosted the brand Technex. what left a bad taste though was the politics that ensued with people almost lobbying to take credit....when there were just three or four of us who had built the actual premise. I've realized i need to be a better team player and should be cautious and vocal about my ideas because your work doesn't always speak for you [awrite that's a tad stupid but ...heartfelt]

Apart from this I had a satisfying[surprising for others]..academic year where i managed a 7.5er in the Technex sem i'd surely take that post two disastrous sems ...What's it gonna be this time around...i'm clueless.
Have even joined a CAT coaching and am thinking of preparing for GRE
Doing a part time Training and Placement representative which has turned out to be the most thankless job ever.

Aside from a couple of accidents and health scares ..life's held no surprises...

OK....Now that 'Jack is Back' [POC 3 released last week]...i hope i can follow this one with another couple of posts maybe something on the wonderful movies i saw past year apart from my favourite subject...the summer training circus.....and try to avoid another temporary exile.

Phew....post this post you must have realized why i hate writing :-)


  1. nice use of vellapan...inspiring lol :D ..and a nice timepass for me too..keep blogging buddy..love it..cheers

  2. Hmmm...so back again! At this rate you would become addicted blogosphere once you start working considering the rate at which industries get you to write.
    Amartya Sen....Ahoy!

    And regards the pent up frustration, be as you have been because that is what has got you all the respect in this world and may I add the post of TPR. Don't get into this thing of being vocal and stuff...It will kill you. Just be natural..

  3. @ abhaya...vellapan...is apt...i could consider changing the nafe of this blog...
    and thanks for the encouragement

  4. @ varun...value your advice
    as for the industries...you'd know better :D
    what's the reference to amartya sen though!!
